v0.0.0 Patch 1

Hi! AshitaMinami here. 

I made a patch for Mendum Memoria's v0.0.0 to fix some things. This patch will update the game to the version v0.0.1, will fix lots of bugs that could break the game experience and corrects most of the game's grammar.  You can find a detailed changelog in the txt file inside the zip folder attached.

Aaand that's all I wanted to say so I hope you enjoy your day~ I am really greateful for the feedback the game is getting so don't doubt there will be more content soon!

How to install the pach:

  • Unzip the zip folder.
  • Paste the content where you have the game files and click in replace.
  • Start RPG_RT.exe and you should see the v0.0.1 in the title screen.

PD: As a side note, I noticed the game was missplaced in the NSFW category because I left the nsfw check in the metadata so I already removed that tag, I'm sorry for that error ;;


v0.0.0 Patch 1 69 kB
Jul 06, 2020

Get Mendum Memoria

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